The Road to Zero Coalition bases its work on a comprehensive, extensively researched report that lays out strategies to end roadway deaths in the U.S by 2050. To accomplish this goal, the report identified three primary focus areas to reduce roadway fatalities:

  • Double down on what works through proven, evidence-based strategies
  • Advance life-saving technology in vehicles and infrastructure
  • Prioritize safety by adopting a safe systems approach and creating a positive safety culture

For each of these focus areas, the Road To Zero Coalition has established Working Groups composed of 12 to 15 members from a variety of disciplines related to research, enforcement, government and the community. Members meet quarterly (at a minimum) to develop action plans, frameworks and resources so cities and communities can move toward a Safe Systems approach.

If you are interested in providing input to the RTZ Working Groups, please email [email protected]..

Doubling Down on What Works

Based on the Toward Zero Deaths National Strategy and Countermeasures That Work, the Doubling Down on What Works group identifies and shares with coalition members new or existing resources that can be implemented to reduce fatalities. These may be related to roadway design and construction, vehicle engineering, law enforcement or trauma care, and include education and outreach materials for all members of the roadway community.

Accelerating Advanced Technology

Existing and emerging technologies promise large advances in safety. Technologies making a difference today include Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and automated enforcement. The Road To Zero Coalition would like to accelerate the deployment of ADAS-equipped vehicles and infrastructure technologies. The Coalition envisions new partnerships among manufacturers, technology providers, emergency medical and trauma systems, public safety/health groups and the public to prioritize safety applications and opportunities, evaluate safety benefits and increase consumer interest and adoption through education and incentives.

Prioritizing Safety

According to The Road to Zero: A Vision for Achieving Zero Roadway Deaths by 2050, “Safety needs to be among the highest priorities in decisions ranging from where to cross the street to where to devote federal funds.” Prioritizing safety is achieved by taking a Safe Systems approach and implementing a safety culture.

Safe Systems
A Safe System approach assumes people will occasionally, but inevitably, make mistakes behind the wheel and that the overall transportation system should be designed to be forgiving so that these mistakes do not lead to fatal outcomes. Access a clearinghouse of information on Safe Systems, including an explanation, framework and available resources, here. Read the new Safe System strategic plan here.

Safety Culture
“A pervasive safety culture is an essential ingredient for reaching zero roadway deaths and can be nurtured through awareness, education and constant reinforcement.” For information about safety culture, visit AAA Foundation's publication on Traffic Safety Culture Index. A full resource website on safety culture is being planned.

Not yet a member? We welcome you to join the Road to Zero Coalition as a partner offering innovative solutions to lead us to zero fatalities on our roads. There is no charge for membership. Sign up here.

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