Surveys, Webinars and Web Tools

NSC provides unparalleled opportunities to compare performance and programs against other leading companies across 20 business sectors.

Annual Performance Benchmarking Surveys

NSC annually collects and publishes injury and illness reports where participating companies are able to compare their performance across 20 business sectors. The reports can be customized based on the data parameters, which include but are not limited to:

  • Country-by-company
  • Industry and NAICS code
  • US OSHA data
  • ASTM E2920-14
  • Management systems and culture assessment

Member Ad Hoc Special Issue Benchmarking Surveys

At any time, members may request benchmarking surveys on issues of special concern within their company.

Special Benchmarking Meetings

NSC holds four to six special benchmarking meetings annually, which are one-day meetings dedicated to sharing effective practices and dialogue on a specific topic. Participation is open to any company willing to share an effective practice from their organization.


In addition to the network meetings, NSC offers eight to 12 webinars annually covering topics such as new regulations, continuing compliance concerns and new initiatives that assist facilities in achieving performance excellence.

  • Member companies may send an unlimited number of participants to any webinar to leverage their membership throughout their organization
  • Upon member company request, we will develop customized webinars to meet individual company needs
  • CEUs are offered for participation in all webinars

Web Tools

Members have access to the our user-friendly website for HSE information. Within this site, members also have access to the annual injury and illness data collection, and performance, organization and special topic data.


Email [email protected] or visit nsc.org/networks.

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