Preventable deaths are at an all-time high in America; every three minutes someone dies from something preventable. For teens, the No. 1 cause of preventable death is car crashes. 

You can help the National Safety Council protect everyone on the road by promoting the message of teen safe driving in your workplace:

  • Posters to display prominently in the workplace
  • A 5-Minute Safety Talk, designed to help you lead a discussion on teen safe driving
  • Infographics you can place in emails, display on LCD TV screens, share on social media and use in blog posts
  • Social media videos
  • New Driver Deal, a parent-teen agreement to ensure rules related to driving are followed and understood
  • Customized Employer’s Guide to DriveitHOME presentation; includes state-specific data, tips for engaging parents and a discussion on trends in teen driver safety

 Ideal times to promote teen driving messages include:

  • Distracted Driving Awareness Month in April
  • Global Youth Traffic Safety Month in May
  • National Safety Month in June
  • National Teen Safe Driving Week during the third week of October

As an employer, you can use your communication channels to get the word out on the importance of teen safe driving to help keep your employees and their loved ones safe.


GM Foundation

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