TechHub Marketplace

Company Overview

Located in Atlanta, GA

Other;Construction;Manufacturing;Transportation and Warehousing Industry

Founded 1986

ELOKON's mission is to make the material handling industry safer and more productive than ever before. They are set to do this with an unwavering commitment to innovation and a keen eye on the future, Safety lies at the heart of ELOKON's mission. The company understands that the material handling industry is fraught with risks, from forklift accidents to workplace injuries. By prioritizing safety, ELOKON ensures that workers can operate machinery with confidence, significantly reducing accidents and downtime. Moreover, ELOKON recognizes that productivity is the lifeblood of any successful operation. They aim to enhance productivity through their innovative proximity detection and fleet management solutions. By preventing accidents, streamlining processes, and providing data-driven insights, ELOKON empowers businesses to work more efficiently, reduce operational costs, and maximize their bottom line. In essence, ELOKON's mission transcends the material handling industry; it is a commitment to transforming workplaces into safer, more productive environments. By merging cutting-edge technology with a dedication to improving workplace conditions, ELOKON is paving the way for a brighter, safer, and more efficient future in material handling.

How does ELOKON measure their technology's effectiveness in the field?

ELOKON measures the effectiveness of their technologies by the number of KPIs. Due to ELOKON’s primary focus is on improving safety in industrial settings, on KPI is incident reduction/avoidance. How many accidents, near-misses, and injuries happened before and how many after implementing ELOKON’s safety solutions. Another KPI is the Return of Investment (ROI). Calculating the ROI is a common way to measure the effectiveness of ELOKON’s solutions. This involves assessing the financial benefits gained compared to the initial investment in the technology. ELOKON is very transparent about their ROI and offers a specific calculator in which customer can use their specific numbers to get accurate numbers. Some other ways in which ELOKON measures their solutions effectiveness are downtime reduction, productivity improvement, cost savings, user feedback, and case studies.

ELOKON Areas of Expertise


Category: Proximity sensors


Smart Wearable;Software

Primary Hazard

Vehicle pedestrian interactions

Secondary Hazard

Emergency response;Repair and maintenance;Impairment (drugs, alcohol, or other sources);Fatigue

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Category: Software


Software;Analytics Platform;Mobile Application

Primary Hazard

Vehicle pedestrian interactions

Secondary Hazard

Emergency response;Repair and maintenance;Impairment (drugs, alcohol, or other sources);Fatigue

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