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Company Overview

Located in Cambridge, MA

Manufacturing;Construction;Transportation and Warehousing;Utilities;Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Industry

Founded 2017

About Impairment Science, Inc. Impairment Science, Inc. applies neuroscience research to educate users about their level of cognitive and motor impairment. Our flagship product, the Druid App, assesses impairment due to any cause, including marijuana, prescription medicines, illicit drugs, alcohol, fatigue, illness, chronic health conditions, injury, or severe stress. Grounded in neuroscience research on impairment, the app collects and integrates hundreds of measurements to produce an overall impairment score. Druid Enterprise is a scalable management portal and database that allows organizations to access all its Druid scores and make intelligent assessment of workers’ fitness for duty.

How does Impairment Science measure their technology's effectiveness in the field?

Reduction in incidents, accidents, absenteeism, worker comp claims.

Impairment Science Areas of Expertise

DRUID Impairment Detection

Category: Impairment detection technologies


Mobile Application;Software;Analytics Platform

Primary Hazard

Impairment (drugs, alcohol, or other sources)

Secondary Hazard

Fatigue;Slips, trips, or falls;Remote or lone worker


3 published peer-reviewed research studies validating accuracy

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