Take the NSC Just Drive Pledge

NSC Just Drive.

At least eight people a day are killed in distracted driving crashes. Handheld and hands-free phone calls and texts, emails, social media, passengers, snacks and even built-in vehicle touchscreens are just some of the distractions fighting for your attention on the road.

Here’s a simple way to think about it: if something requires your hands, your eyes or your attention while you’re driving, it’s a distraction. Distracted driving isn’t just risky for you, it can be deadly for every nearby driver, pedestrian, bicyclist and worker.

Pledge to avoid distracted driving and help everyone around you get home safe.

Commit to Driving Distraction-free

Take the Pledge

  • I will make our roads safer for everyone by avoiding all forms of distracted driving. 
  • I will speak up when others are distracted to protect myself and all other road users.

All of us want to drive, bike or walk across roads free of distracted drivers. Help us spread the message that when you’re behind the wheel, your only job is to drive.

Share the Pledge

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