Train Your Supervisors to Recognize and Respond to Workplace Impairment

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Workplace impairment can result from many factors – from chemical substances, such as alcohol, opioids or cannabis, to physical factors like fatigue, as well as experiencing mental distress and social factors like stress. Left unaddressed, impairment can negatively affect workplace safety, employee wellbeing and your company’s bottom line. To help employers address these risks, the National Safety Council has created a new eLearning course, Impairment Recognition and Response Training for Supervisors.

This new, one-hour training helps frontline supervisors, safety professionals and managers recognize and respond to diverse forms of workplace impairment. In addition to spotting the common causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, participants will learn the NSC “6 Steps to Respond to Perceived Impairment” and gain the skills and knowledge needed to maintain workplace safety and employee wellbeing.

More than half of employers say impairment is decreasing the safety of their workforce, according to a recent NSC survey. Ensure your workforce is prepared to address impairment and stay safe. 

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