Accidental Deaths Hit Highest Number in Recorded U.S. History

Our collective complacency costs us 466 lives every day.

November 29, 2018

Itasca, IL – The National Safety Council is grieving over the new CDC data showing the number of deaths from unintentional, preventable injuries – commonly known as “accidents” – rose 5.3% between 2016 and 2017. Preventable deaths have now reached their highest number in recorded U.S. history – 169,936. Of the three leading causes, preventable injuries was the only category to experience an increase, largely driven by the opioid crisis. An American is killed accidentally every three minutes, by a drug overdose, a motor vehicle crasha fall, a drowning, a choking incident or another preventable occurrence.

NSC analysis of the unintentional, preventable injury data shows:

For years, the United States has accepted unintentional injuries as an unavoidable reality. These data show us that our collective complacency costs us 466 lives every day. The truth is, there is no such thing as an accident. We know what to do to save lives, but as a nation, we have not consistently prioritized safety at work, at home and on the road.

If our country does not act, more people will die, and our fight to Stop Everyday Killers will become even more difficult.

About the National Safety Council
The National Safety Council is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to eliminate preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy. Founded in 1913 and chartered by Congress, NSC advances this mission by partnering with businesses, government agencies, elected officials and the public in areas where we can make the most impact.

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