Updated National Safety Council Statement on Coronavirus, or COVID-19

NSC applauds Congress for passing an $8.3 billion emergency funding bill.

March 05, 2020

Itasca, IL – Since our last statement on Jan. 31, the National Safety Council has continued to follow the data about the coronavirus, or COVID-19. NSC urges employers to assess their risk of exposure and ensure procedures are in place to effectively control transmission. Workplace illness prevention training is imperative for all employees.

NSC applauds Congress for passing an $8.3 billion emergency funding bill today, March 5. We urge the government to stay vigilant and take additional steps if appropriate.

In relation to COVID-19, NSC echoes recommendations from OSHA and CDC, which include:

  • Practice proper infection control and sterilization measures
  • Frequently wash hands with soap and water; if soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid shaking hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home when you are sick, and see a doctor immediately to be evaluated for COVID-19
  • If a worker becomes infected, insist that he or she fully recovers before returning to work
  • Employees who have traveled to areas with heightened levels of exposure should inform their employers immediately
  • Employers are urged to ask employees traveling home from Level 3 areas to self-quarantine for 14 days
  • Avoid sending staff on business trips to Level 3 areas as defined by CDC

At this time, the National Safety Council is proceeding with its Northeast Conference and Expo in Pittsburgh March 11-13 as planned. We will continue to follow all government updates, guidance and reports, as well as local officials’ and health departments’ reports. If we have any updates to our status, we will post the latest information here.

The safety of workers is employers’ most vital task. For more information on preventing COVID-19, go to cdc.govOSHA.gov and who.int.

About the National Safety Council
The National Safety Council is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to eliminate preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy. Founded in 1913 and chartered by Congress, NSC advances this mission by partnering with businesses, government agencies, elected officials and the public in areas where we can make the most impact.

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