Corporate Hazard Recognition
Product SKU 298813900
Customize Award
Highlight Your Hazard Recognition Program Success
Increase awareness of your successful hazard recognition program among employees, vendors and customers with an award from NSC. The Corporate Hazard Recognition Award is reserved exclusively for companies, locations or divisions that have a safety management system in place that incorporates hazard recognition.
To qualify for this prestigious etched crystal award, your organization’s program must:
• Have been in place for four or more years
• Educate employees on the importance of recognizing hazards and their role in reporting
• Maintain a system for employees to report hazards, track hazard reporting and manage prompt corrective actions
• Have a system that acknowledges employee participation and engagement
The award is personalized with company information and year. Eligibility is determined based on self-reported data submitted by the participant, and NSC reserves the right to request supporting documentation.
If your organization’s corporate hazard recognition program has demonstrated a steady increase in the number of hazards reported and corrected each year, and takes timely corrective action, apply today. NSC wants to celebrate your success and present your efforts as a shining example for others to emulate.