DC Fleet Essentials - Individual Module: Vehicle Dynamics

Product SKU 441005010

$ 33 00
$ 26 40
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About this product

Fleet drivers and those who drive in the course of their work have likely been driving for several years. This program is not meant to teach you how to drive but provides information to improve your interaction with any vehicle you operate, from the workplace to anyplace.  

It looks at all sizes and types of vehicles and provides you with knowledge and perspective you may not have learned before. A box truck or step van handles very differently than a compact car or sedan. This course provides a better understanding of the dynamics of vehicles that affect how the vehicle operates.

You learn the importance of vehicle familiarization and physical forces, such as inertia, gravity and velocity, and how they impact vehicle handling. You also learn to look at vehicle characteristics you should be aware of to avoid risky maneuvers while on the road. It takes an in-depth look at vehicle dynamics, including yaw, pitch and roll, and your vehicle's abilities and limitations.

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