Active Learning Strategies for Safety+Health Educators or Trainers

Product SKU 151190000

Active Learning Strategies for Safety+Health Educators or Trainers
$ 68 99
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About this product

Active Learning Strategies for Safety+Health Educators or Trainers covers the four active learning types: Learning by doing, through discovery, by collaboration and from others. 

This text is written by and for safety and health educators. It provides exercises that can be applied in both academic and industrial settings. Using techniques such as hands-on activities, guided discussions and peer-to-peer engagement, educators will be able to apply these strategies to construct reality in both the traditional and online classrooms. Occupational trainers will be able to use specific examples from this book to turn mundane regulatory training into anticipated learning events.

The comprehensive compilation was crafted by doctor Wanda Minnick and her colleagues at Indiana University of Pennsylvania using decades of experience teaching and working in the safety and health field. Each activity in this book is customizable. The authors wanted educators and trainers to be inspired to adapt these strategies and develop even more active learning opportunities that help to multiply the safety knowledge gained.