Accidental injury is now the No. 3 cause of death for the first time in U.S. history. Preventable deaths rose 10% in 2016; an American is accidentally injured every second and killed every three minutes by a preventable event. Knowing where the real risks lie is key to staying safe. Are you worrying about the right things?
The National Safety Council produces trusted magazines, newsletters and books for safety professionals at every level of expertise.
Safety+Health® is an award-winning monthly magazine offering comprehensive national coverage of occupational safety news and analysis of industry trends. NSC membership includes an annual subscription to Safety+Health.
Employers have a significant role in reducing vehicle crashes. Through workplace policies and education, employers can help protect their employees, their organizations and employees' own families and communities. This kit helps build senior management support for policies, educational materials and lots of ready-made communication tools.
The materials in the Prescription Drug Employer Kit will help employers understand the impact of prescription opioid use and misuse in the workplace, and effectively communicate with employees. Information covers drug testing, workers' compensation, prevention and more.
Americans receive little education on the importance of sleep, sleep disorders and the consequences of fatigue, but you can help draw attention to this issue by sharing these infographics, fact sheets, posters and resources with employees.
The Campbell Institute at NSC is the environmental, health and safety center of excellence. The Institute helps organizations of all sizes achieve well-integrated EHS management systems by sharing best practices from leading-edge organizations worldwide.
Safety First, the blog of the National Safety Council, is full of timely, relevant safety information written by NSC experts and our partners in the field.
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