Courses You Can Teach

Work Zone Flagger
Teach novice flaggers safe flagging techniques and help experienced flaggers renew their credentials. The new Flagger 4th Edition features fresh content on dealing with agitated drivers, and hands-on outdoor training activities.

Work Zone Technician
Provide technicians with comprehensive training to better understand safe temporary traffic control situations with the new Work Zone Technician 1st Edition. Participants will learn techniques to install, modify, maintain and remove temporary traffic control work zones that allow traffic to move safely and effectively through and around work areas.

YouTube Video

Work zones are dangerous places. Become an authorized NSC work zone training instructor; teach flaggers, technicians and supervisors the skills they need to arrive home safely each day.

Training to Get You Prepared

Module 1: NSC Foundations
This module introduces you to NSC. It helps you get familiar with NSC instructional standards and details what is expected from NSC instructors.

Lesson 1: Introduction and Overview
Lesson 2: Foundational Knowledge about the National Safety Council
Lesson 3: NSC Instructional Standards
Lesson 4: Instructor Requirements and Expectations 

Module 2: NSC Classroom Facilitation & Management
The second module has three lessons that detail the instructor’s role and their responsibilities in the classroom. It offers tips for effective facilitation, and techniques for proper classroom management.

Lesson 1: The Successful Instructor
Lesson 2: Facilitation Skills
Lesson 3: Managing Participants

Module 3: Instructor Development eLearning - Foundations of Work Zone
This module provides Work Zone content and specific instructional guidelines. You will learn about the history of traffic control standards and the MUTCD’s structure, along with regulations, and terminology required to facilitate NSC Work Zone courses.

Lesson 1: History of Traffic Control Standards
Lesson 2: MUTCD Structure and Key Terms
Lesson 3: State Adoption of Standards
Lesson 4: Work Zone Instructor Resources

Choose the Course You Intend to Teach in Module 4

Module 4: Work Zone Flagger 4th Edition, Instructor Development Course
This 8-hour classroom module is held in person and covers each of the five lessons and the hands-on outdoor exercise. You will learn the course curriculum to become Authorized to teach Work Zone Flagger 4th Edition.

Lesson 1: Flagger Training Introduction
Lesson 2: Role of Flaggers in a Work Zone
Lesson 3: Working Safely
Lesson 4: Flagger Station
Lesson 5: Flagging Procedures
Outdoor Exercise and Evaluation

Module 4: Work Zone Technician 1st Edition, Instructor Development Course
This in-person classroom course is eight hours. It covers eight lessons and the interactive practical exercise. The course helps you master the curriculum so that you can be Authorized to teach Work Zone Technician 1st Edition.

Lesson 1: Work Zone Technician Introduction
Lesson 2: Temporary Traffic Control
Lesson 3: Traffic Control Devices
Lesson 4: Taper Lengths
Lesson 5: Temporary Traffic Design and Planning
Lesson 6: Vehicle Lights and Markings
Lesson 7: Traffic Control Devices for Low-Volume Roads
Lesson 8: Traffic Incident Management
Final Hands-On Tabletop Exercise

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