Mental Health Cost Calculator Citations

The below citations are from the Mental Health Cost Calculator:

1 Samhsa.gov

2 Bureau of Labor Statistics Economic News Release: Table B-3 Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted. (BLS.gov - Table 6) . Employer costs per hour worked for employee compensation and costs as a percent of total compensation: Private industry workers, by major industry group, June 2016. (BLS.gov) The agricultural wage was derived from Fayer SD. Agriculture: occupational employment and wages. Monthly Lab. Rev. 2014;137:1. (BLS.gov)

3 Boushey H & Glynn S. There are significant business costs to replacing employees. Center for American Progress. 2012. Retrieved 9 Dec 2016. (AmericanProgress.org)

4 Tracey JB, Hinkin TR. Contextual factors and cost profiles associated with employee turnover. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 2008:49(1): 12-27.

5 Replacement costs for each sector were figured at 21% of the average annual salary and fringe for that sector, Bureau of Labor Statistics Economic News Release: Table B-3 Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted. (BLS.gov - Table 6)

6 HCUPnet, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). Hospital charges and costs: AHRQ.gov

7 Emergency department visits. MEPS Table 6: Emergency Room Services-Median and Mean Expenses per Person With Expense and Distribution of Expenses by Source of Payment: United States, 2013

8 Facility And SBD Expenses, median $850/visit; Ambulatory visits: Davis K, Carper K. Use and Expenses for Office-Based Physician Visits by Specialty, 2009: Estimates for the US Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population. Rockville, Md.: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Statistical Brief. 2012 Aug; 381. Average expense in 2009 was $218.

9 KFF.org

10 The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) determined that respondents had severe psychological distress within the past year if they reported periods of intense nervousness, hopelessness, restlessness, depression, things required great effort or felt down on yourself, no good or worthless. The responses are scored (4=all the time, 3=most of the time, etc.) and summed. A worst total score was then created that takes on the maximum value of the past year distress score. Adults aged 18 or older are classified as having past year serious psychological distress if their score is 13 or greater. This cutoff point was chosen because it has been shown to be highly correlated with serious mental illness (Colpe, Epstein, Barker, & Gfroerer, 2009) and is the standard cutoff point used by other surveys.

11 The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) determined that respondents had severe psychological distress within the past year if they reported periods of intense nervousness, hopelessness, restlessness, depression, things required great effort or felt down on yourself, no good or worthless. The responses are scored (4=all the time, 3=most of the time, etc.) and summed. A worst total score was then created that takes on the maximum value of the past year distress score. Adults aged 18 or older are classified as having past year serious psychological distress if their score is 13 or greater. This cutoff point was chosen because it has been shown to be highly correlated with serious mental illness (Colpe, Epstein, Barker, & Gfroerer, 2009) and is the standard cutoff point used by other surveys.

12 The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) determined that respondents had severe psychological distress within the past year if they reported periods of intense nervousness, hopelessness, restlessness, depression, things required great effort or felt down on yourself, no good or worthless. The responses are scored (4=all the time, 3=most of the time, etc.) and summed. A worst total score was then created that takes on the maximum value of the past year distress score. Adults aged 18 or older are classified as having past year serious psychological distress if their score is 13 or greater. This cutoff point was chosen because it has been shown to be highly correlated with serious mental illness (Colpe, Epstein, Barker, & Gfroerer, 2009) and is the standard cutoff point used by other surveys.

13 National Center for Health Statistics. Crude percentages of feeling nervous all or most of the time for adults aged 18 and over, United States, 2015-2018. National Health Interview Survey. National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Interview Survey, 2015-2018. (CDC.gov)
Generated interactively: Sat Feb 27, 2021. For more information on the data source, methods, and definitions used for this table, refer to Technical Notes for Summary Health Statistics Tables: National Health Interview Survey (available from CDC.gov)

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