Training to Get You Prepared

If you are passionate about saving lives and inspired to educate, joining our elite group of first aid instructors will offer you a fulfilling and rewarding experience. You or a member of your staff can become a certified NSC First Aid instructor and teach others to save lives. There are multiple ways to earn your First Aid Instructor credentials.

Complete an in-person NSC First Aid, CPR and AED Instructor Development course. The three-day course provides the skills you need to be certified in first aid, CPR and AED, then trains you to teach the course. Find an in-person class that works with your schedule at one of our many training centers.

Complete the NSC eLearning Instructor Development courses (eIDC). Perfect for people who have completed an in-person student course and wish to take the next step and become an NSC First Aid instructor. The eLearning can be done anywhere so there’s no travel costs or out-of-office time required. Instructors who complete an eIDC course receive everything they need to start teaching, including a Digital Instructor Resource Kit which contains a digital instructor manual, a digital student manual and all the multimedia files (videos & slides) needed for teaching.

●  Already an instructor? Cross over and teach for NSC.

Following is the e-IDC course outline:

Module 1: NSC Introduction
This module introduces you to NSC. It helps you get familiar with NSC instructional standards, and details what is expected from NSC instructors.

Module 2: NSC Classroom Facilitation & Management
The second module has three lessons that detail the instructor’s role and responsibilities in the classroom. It offers tips for effective facilitation, and techniques of proper classroom management.

Module 3: First Aid Principles & NSC First Aid Instruction
This module consists of four lessons where you will learn the key principals following OSHA guidelines to First Aid.

Module 4: Course-Specific Instructor Training
NSC offers eLearning Instructor Development courses for our First Aid, CPR and AED course; our First Aid course; our CPR and AED course; our Pediatric First Aid, CPR and AED course; and our Basic Life Support course. Module 4 teaches how to facilitate each course.

Courses You Can Teach

First Aid CPR & AED
Teach participants how to recognize a medical emergency and take the correct and necessary actions until professional help arrives. This course is designed using extensive research and testing to ensure participants master and retain the knowledge.

Bloodborne and Airborne Pathogens
Provide the fundamentals of bloodborne pathogens, and essential information on hepatitis viruses, HIV and COVID to help participants prevent infections. This course is also an ideal add-on training for employees certified in First Aid, CPR & AED who are responsible for giving medical assistance.

Basic Life Support for Health Care and Professional Rescuers
Teach health care responders how to assess a victim’s condition, provide rescue breathing, handle cardiac emergencies and more. This in-depth course focuses on immediate life-threatening situations, and teaches professionals how to respond quickly and effectively.

YouTube Video

As an NSC First Aid Instructor, the knowledge you share can save a life.

Advanced First Aid and Basic Life Support for Health Care & Professional Rescuers
Teach basic life support commonly taught to healthcare and rescue professionals, such as how to control bleeding and manage shock. First aid for opioid overdose and Naloxone training also is covered. It’s perfect for high-risk industries where training for immediate emergency response is required by OSHA.

Pediatric First Aid, CPR & AED
This course meets the special first aid needs of infants and children. It helps professionals, such as childcare providers and early childhood educators, recognize and take action in a medical emergency to provide appropriate first aid, CPR and AED care.

NSC First Aid
Teach participants how to recognize a medical emergency, handle breathing and cardiac emergencies, and sustain life until professional help arrives. Learn to identify and care for bleeding, sudden illness and injuries.

Teach participants how to take action in a medical emergency and provide basic life support, including airway management, breathing and circulation, and how to use an AED in cardiac emergencies and sustain life until professional help arrives.

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