TechHub Marketplace

Company Overview

Located in Toronto, Canada

Transportation and Warehousing Industry

Founded 2020

3motionAI's advanced technology, driven by AI-trained analysis through 3DNeuroNET, effortlessly processes intricate motion data from various video sources. This not only ensures accessibility but also eliminates the need for costly motion capture equipment or external sensors, significantly reducing barriers to entry. Our solution is a user-friendly and cost-effective tool that is easily demonstrable and straightforward. Our proprietary 3DNeuroNet Engine seamlessly integrates into our partners' products and services, granting them access to valuable data insights previously obtainable only through expensive motion capture labs and complex wearable suits and sensors. This offers a more innovative, cost-efficient, and streamlined solution.​ ​

How does 3motionAI measure their technology's effectiveness in the field?

Our technology has demonstrated efficacy in various industries and environments, from aerospace to professional sports. Recognized in 2023 by the National Safety Council for its innovative approach to musculoskeletal risk prevention, it offers substantial ROI, exemplified by our workplace risk module reducing top safety risks.

3motionAI Areas of Expertise

Risk Workplace Solution

Category: Artificial intelligence


Artificial Intelligence

Primary Hazard

Musculoskeletal disorders

Secondary Hazard

Slips, trips, or falls


2023 NSC Innovation Technology Award Winner

More information

Contact 3motionAI and NSC

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