TechHub Marketplace

Company Overview

Located in Lehi, Utah

Construction;Manufacturing;Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services;Other;Educational Services Industry

Founded 2013

The EHS Directors we talk to say no product gives them the ability to create the customized tools they want and/or automate the heavy admin tasks placed upon them and their teams. Our EHS infrastructure is the underlying tech that lets you create the customized systems you imagine; and the task automations you want with no limitations. Additionally, the platform you build can come preloaded with EHS training videos, programs, documents and other resources from multiple vendors so you can choose the EHS content you want or upload your own for distribution. Whether you're a Corporate EHS Director managing an internal team, subcontractors, vendors or suppliers; or an Independent EHS Consultant managing multiple companies; this product is worth looking into.

How does EHS Inc measure their technology's effectiveness in the field?

In person or video conference interviews with users one at a time.

EHS Inc Areas of Expertise

EHS Software and Automation Builder

Category: Software



Primary Hazard

Construction and installation

Secondary Hazard

Repair and maintenance

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EHS Inc Company Resources

Contact EHS Inc and NSC

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