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Company Overview

Located in New York

Other Industry

Founded 2018

At Intenseye, our mission is to disrupt the traditional approach to workplace safety by empowering safety teams with real-time, data-driven insights and to help businesses confidently implement and maintain effective EHS protocols, transforming workplace safety culture for the better. Our innovative platform utilizes advanced computer vision and machine learning technologies to constantly analyze facilities in real time. This enables safety leaders and teams to receive immediate notifications of unsafe acts and conditions, allowing them to take swift action. By providing an innovative, AI-powered solution, we strive to transform the way safety teams operate, making workplaces safer and more efficient around the world.

How does Intenseye Inc measure their technology's effectiveness in the field?

- Reduction of unsafe act & conditions - Our data being used for EHS communication, training, risk assessment and hazard identification - Actions & tasks created and delegated to the site teams

Intenseye Inc Areas of Expertise


Category: Computer vision


Computer Vision

Primary Hazard

Musculoskeletal disorders

Secondary Hazard

Vehicle pedestrian interactions

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