A Safe Mobility System is the Cornerstone of an Equitable Mobility System

In achieving our mission of zero traffic deaths by 2050, the Road to Zero Coalition acknowledges the disparities that exist in roadway safety and commit to doing better to improve safety for all system users. The Road to Zero Statement on Equity aims to serve as groundwork for our engagement on the topic of equity in roadway safety, commit the Coalition to improved efforts of partnership, programming, and communications, and acknowledge the ways that we know roadway safety has contributed to undue harm or burdens to communities.

Learn More About Road to Zero Efforts

Want to engage Road to Zero on a topic, program, or communication related to equity? Please email us at [email protected] 

Additional Resources from Road to Zero Coalition Partners

Have a resource to add to this list? Please email us at [email protected] 

In addition to the efforts of the Road to Zero Coalition on this topic, we acknowledge that our members and other partners are also doing work in this space. We look forward to working with and learning from their own efforts through resources and statements such as:

Disparities in Roadway Safety

We know disparities exist within roadway safety and efforts to address roadway fatalities. For example, research and reporting show that:

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