Check back often. New webinars are posted in this space regularly.
Watch recordings of meetings and access supporting documents and presentations. Please note that comments, questions, or perspectives raised in the discussion or chat do not necessarily reflect those of the Road to Zero Coalition, its members or other participants.
Progress & Pitfalls: A Real Talk on Equity in Roadway Safety – Aug. 20
Hear from a diverse panel of experts on equity in roadway safety in this webinar recording from Vision Zero Network and the Road to Zero Coalition. Topics include funding opportunities to prioritize equity, best practices for measuring and tracking inequities, ideas for rightsizing the role of enforcement, and tips for securing meaningful community engagement. Panelists are Keshia Pollack Porter, PhD and MPH at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health; Jamila Porter, DrPH, MPH and chief of staff of de Beaumont Foundation; Jacob Smith, executive director for NOYS; and Jill Locantore, executive director of the Denver Streets Partnership.
Watch the webinar, get the presentation and read the recap.
Expanding the Use of Intelligent Speed Assistance - Jan. 23
Explore the future of road safety in this webinar focusing on Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) and the recommendations from the Road to Zero Coalition's new report, Recommendations for the Development and Use of Vehicle-Based Approaches to Prevent Speeding. Topics include promoting ISA adoption, improving public acceptance and investigating the benefits of current ISA systems and features. Presenters are Jessica Cicchino from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Eric Richardson of New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services, Amy Cohen of Families for Safe Streets and Natalie Draisin of FIA Foundation.
● Amy Cohen presentation
● Eric Richardson presentation
● Jessica Cicchino presentation
Countersteer Webinar: Empowering Youth Through Mobility Safety - Dec. 8
Roundtable discussion with five youth safety leaders explores the unique and complicated relationship youth have with the transportation system. Vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for young people, and many living in the U.S. have few safe options for moving around. Hear panelists’ experiences and those of the people they work with to better understand how the current mobility system impacts youth and what can be done to enact change.
2022 Road to Zero Community Traffic Safety Grantee Showcase - Sept. 26
Part 2 of 2 webinars highlighting our 2022 Road to Zero Community Traffic Safety grantees:
● Portland Bureau of Transportation – Beyond Traffic Safety: Advancing Personal Safety, Security and Sense of Belonging for BIPOC Portlanders
● Northwestern Center – Prioritizing Accessible Transportation, Health & Safety 4 Belmont Cragin
● Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy – Partnering to Bring Safe Systems to Tribal Communities
2022 Road to Zero Community Traffic Safety Grantee Showcase - Sept. 6
Part 1 of 2 webinars highlighting our 2022 Road to Zero Community Traffic Safety grantees:
● Health by Design – Change at the Crossroads of America: Indiana's Road to Zero
● Children's Hospital of Philadelphia – The New Jersey Community Traffic Safety Profiles: Utilizing Data Integration and Visualization to Support Equitable Advancement of Road to Zero Pillars
● Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) with Howard University Transportation Research Center and Safe Routes Partnership – Youth Centered Near Miss and Crash Reporting Tool
Watch the webinar; Passcode: b*xsFm6X
Building Coalitions and Learning from Peers to Achieve Vision Zero - Aug. 17
The Safe System Approach and its end goal of zero deaths involves a multidisciplinary effort to create protective redundancies for all road users. However, practitioners often lack supportive coalitions that share responsibility to make roads safer. Speakers from local government, federal government and research discuss ways to develop partnerships to make Vision Zero achievable. Panelists are Chimai Ngo, FHWA Office of Safety; Elyse Keefe, UNC Injury Prevention Research Center; Doug Moore, Village of Clemmons, North Carolina; and Wes Kumfer, UNC Highway Safety Research Center. Watch the webinar; Passcode: 73cFf+6a.
Countersteer Webinar Series: How Transit Makes Streets Safer for Everyone - Aug. 3
Transit agencies are facing unprecedented financial challenges, and this is having profound implications on traffic safety. Panelists are Nathaniel P. Ford Sr., CEO, Jacksonville Transportation Authority; Jennifer Homendy, chair of the National Transportation Safety Board; and Veronica Vanterpool, deputy administrator, Federal Transit Administration. Watch the webinar.
Normalization of Pedestrian Fatalities - May 10
Pedestrian fatalities have been increasing at alarming rates for more than a decade. Hear and learn about the role of safety culture, infrastructure and policy decisions that have contributed to this tragic outcome, as well as solutions and collective actions we can undertake to reverse this deadly trend. Watch the webinar (use passcode ^NtAUD4h).
The Role of Language in Traffic Safety Culture - April 20
Explore the role of language in safety culture with attention to view from behind the wheel, or “windshield bias.” Dr. Tara Goddard of Texas A&M will be joined by Katie Mueller of NSC and Nathan George of Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency, who each bring a wealth of expertise in safety management. This session builds on the July 20, 2022, webinar, The Role of Traffic Safety Culture in Addressing Roadway Fatalities. Watch the webinar (use passcode #N#8f!t1).
Safe Mobility for Older Adults - Feb. 2
People of all ages deserve to have safe and accessible mobility options. This webinar will explore some of the data behind older driver safety and support available for alternative commutes. Featured speakers include representatives from NHTSA, USAging, ChORUS, and Safe Mobility for Life Coalition Program. Links from Chatbox. Watch the webinar.
Breaking Down Barriers to Mobility Safety - Nov. 28
Barriers to safe walking and biking impact mobility, accessibility, community and more. These barriers come in many forms and need to be considered as we create a safe, multi-modal environment for all roadway users. This webinar, sponsored by Uber, explores some of the barriers to creating safe environments for walking and biking and how we can tackle them in our work as safety stakeholders. Watch the webinar.
Signs of Progress in Traffic Safety - Sept. 28
It's easy to get discouraged by the state of traffic safety and access in the U.S., however advocates and stakeholders are seeing progress and momentum at the local, state and even federal level to suggest change is in the works. This webinar, sponsored by Uber, features representatives from NACTO, Transportation Alternatives and WABA, who share their experiences overcoming challenges and provide examples and resources for others who wish to do the same. Watch the webinar.
Putting it to Work: Strategies, Interventions in Traditionally Underserved and Vulnerable Communities - Aug. 24
This session builds on the June 27 webinar, Back to Basics: Transportation Safety in Traditionally Underserved and Vulnerable Communities. Reducing transportation deaths takes hard work and decisive action. Explore strategies and interventions being deployed in underserved and vulnerable communities. Hear from practitioners about opportunities to improve safety and mobility and overcoming challenges to creating change. Watch the webinar.
The Role of Traffic Safety Culture in Addressing Roadway Fatalities - July 20
It will take decisive action to address the 42,915 deaths we saw on our streets last year. It will also take a shift in our culture that currently accepts those deaths and a shift in a shift in how we communicate about traffic safety and prioritize it as transportation stakeholders. This webinar explores the role traffic safety culture plays in addressing fatalities, examine current research, including that around fear-based messaging vs. positive messaging, and promising practices around developing a positive traffic safety culture. Watch the webinar.
Back to Basics: Transportation Safety in Traditionally Underserved and Vulnerable Communities - June 27
This webinar kicks off our summer series exploring traditionally underserved and vulnerable communities. A disproportionate number of fatalities occur on rural and tribal roads. Explore the way rural and tribal communities are experiencing many of the same historical and systemic legacies of urban communities, ways to incorporate these communities into the discussion of transportation equity and why mobility is a right. Watch the webinar
Road to Zero Briefing: National Rural Road Safety Awareness Week - June 22
Road to Zero and the National Center for Rural Road Safety dive into preparation for National Rural Road Safety Week July 18-22. This briefing highlights plans for the week and ways to get involved. Get the presentation. Watch the webinar.
Shifting Our Thinking: Mode Shift for Safer Streets - May 18
Getting to zero traffic deaths will require making every mode of transportation safe and accessible. Swapping even a single trip for walking, biking or transit helps reduce roadway fatalities. Advocates and policy-makers discuss importance of mode shift and how it can be supported. Watch the webinar.
Together to Zero Traffic Deaths: Collaboration for Safer Streets - April 25
The troubling trend of growing traffic fatalities does not have a single solution, and it will take all of us to get to zero traffic deaths. This webinar explores collaboration between businesses, organizations and communities as they work together to save lives on our roadways. Presented with generous support from Uber. Watch the webinar.
Annual Meeting Featuring U.S. Deputy Transportation Secretary Polly Trottenberg - Mar. 17
The meeting included a look back at recent safety accomplishments, like the new Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and complimentary National Roadway Safety Strategy, as well as presentations from other experts and Coalition members. Watch the webcast.
The Safe System Approach in Action - Jan. 28
The Safe System approach is more than just a pillar of the Road to Zero strategy. It's a way to save lives of all community members on our streets. This webinar will explore how to turn this strategy into action with examples from leaders in the field. Watch the webinar.
Partnering with Law Enforcement in Traffic Safety - Dec. 15
Enforcement as a means to address traffic safety has been at the forefront of efforts to reduce to fatalities and injuries. Discover how communities can engage law enforcement in creating safer streets in ways other than traditional traffic stops. Included in the discussion are Lt. Tammy DeBow, patrol division supervisor, Knoxville Police Department; Sheriff Garry L. McFadden, Mecklenburg County; and Ellen Zavisca, principal transportation planner, Knoxville Regional TPO. Watch the webinar.
Road to Zero Community Traffic Safety Grants - Dec. 7
The Road to Zero Coalition is excited to open applications for a new round of its Community Traffic Safety Grants. Hear from previous grantees about the application process and how to submit your idea to save lives on our streets. Watch the webinar.
The State of Enforcement in Traffic Safety - Sept. 23
Enforcement to address traffic safety has been at the forefront of efforts to reduce fatalities and injuries. The Road to Zero Coalition has a role to play in these efforts by using its network to bring together stakeholders, share information and have honest, respectful and productive discussions that can lead to more equitable mobility for all road users. Discussion centers around how enforcement reduces traffic fatalities, known disparities within enforcement of traffic safety laws and how this is playing out in the current landscape. Watch the webinar.
Overcoming the Limitations of Pedestrian and Bicyclists Crash Data - Aug. 25
A national movement is under way to encourage more states and organizations to adopt a Safe System approach to road safety. It accepts that crashes are inevitable and mistakes happen, but it encourages organizations to focus on preventing severity and prioritizing vulnerable road users when making decisions and investments. Applying the Safe System approach can be challenging because it relies on crash data, which can be flawed and inconsistent -- especially when it involves pedestrians and bicyclists. This webinar explores how organizations can improve the quality of their pedestrian and bicyclist crash data for safety analysis, and how we can work with the data we have to implement a safer system today. Watch the webinar.
Transportation in the Time of COVID: One Year Later - July 13
In July 2020, NSC hosted a roundtable to discuss some of the changes being seen on our roadways as a result of COVID-19. One year later, we will brought together speakers to reflect on the trends and data seen and how it could inform the future of roadway safety. Watch the webinar.
The Road to Zero Strategy in Action - June 17
Presenters discuss in detail the three pillars of the Road to Zero initiative: doubling down on proven countermeasures, advanced technology in vehicles and infrastructure, and adopting a Safe Systems approach. Watch the webinar.
Exploring Speed Management in the U.S. and Abroad - May 18
Speeding is a major contributor to traffic fatalities in the U.S. In support of UN Global Road Safety Week, this webinar features successful speed management strategies in the U.S. and abroad. Co-hosted by FIA Foundation and the National Center for Safe Routes to School. Watch the webinar.
Traffic Safety for All Ages - April 15
Vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for kids, which is why it is important to engage them in traffic safety from a young age. Learn about resources that cultivate an interest in traffic safety for kids and help us address the devastating trend of youth fatalities on our roads. Watch the webinar.
Community Engagement and Safer Streets - March. 18
Building on the discussions the Road to Zero Coalition started with its Equity in Transportation Safety series, hear from planners and advocates who have worked to expand the voices at the transportation table and explore the need for community engagement in our work. Watch the webinar.
The Role of New Mobility in Safer Streets - Feb. 18
New mobility options have transformed our streets and roadways and will play a role in getting to zero roadway fatalities. This webinar, in partnership with the New Urban Mobility Alliance, looks at how planning for new mobility can address transportation safety and access concerns. Watch the webinar.
Road to Zero Coalition Annual Meeting - Feb. 4
On the Road to Zero: Putting Safety into Practice - Jan. 21
One of the pillars of the Road to Zero strategy is doubling down on what works. This webinar highlights these tactics and countermeasures, as well as a new Road to Zero webpage featuring proven resources. Hear from two speakers putting safety into practice. Get the presentation. Watch the webinar.
On the Road to Zero: Child Passenger Safety - Dec. 8
Explore child passenger safety, including current training, trends and research, and opportunities to improve child passenger safety both systematically and in your own community. Watch the webinar.
Transportation Safety for Youth from A to Z - Nov. 19
Explore efforts to keep students safe, including UNICEF and the Child Health Initiative’s Guidance on Safe and Healthy Journeys to School during COVID-19, as well as other efforts to improve transportation safety, tactics deployed across the globe and how to put it into practice. Watch the webinar.
Enforcement and Equity in Transportation Safety - Oct. 14
Enforcement is a key piece to the transportation safety framework, but it must be done in a way that does not cause undue harm or burden on any particular community. This session will explore the role of enforcement in proven safety programs and countermeasures. Watch the webinar.
The Safety Premium: Designing for Equity in Vehicles and Beyond - Sept. 30
Connecting Prioritizing Safety with Transportation Equity - Sept. 22
The Road to Zero Prioritizing Safety Committee has developed a roadmap to implement and incorporate equity in transportation safety. Learn the importance of equity in safe systems and explore ways to make sure equity is at the foundation of our safety culture. Watch the webinar.
Road to Zero and Transportation Equity: An Opportunity to Learn, Engage and Act - Sept. 17
The Road to Zero Coalition kicked off the Equity in Transportation Safety sessions with a discussion on the intersection of transportation safety and equity. Get the presentation and the report, The Right to Move. Watch the webinar.
Transportation Roundtable: Roadway Safety During COVID-19 and Beyond - July 21
NSC, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Governors Highway Safety Association and AAA presented vehicle fatality estimates that correspond with the pandemic. Panelists discussed the role employers, legislators, and public health and safety professionals play in saving lives on the road as the U.S. grapples with the pandemic. Get the SAFER playbook on transportation. Watch the webinar.
Socioeconomic Status Factors in Motor Vehicle Fatality Mitigation Efforts - June 17
Featuring representatives from University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. Watch the webinar.
Road to Zero Meeting - May 20
Kristopher Carter and Yifan Lu of the Boston Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics discussed the commitment to eliminating Boston's traffic fatalities through the Vision Zero initiative. Watch the webcast.
Road to Zero Meeting - April 29
A representative from 2018 Safe Systems Innovation Grant recipient Lorain County Public Health gave an update on the implementation of its combined Active Transportation Plan and Safe Routes to School Plan for the City of Lorain in Northeast Ohio. Watch the webcast.
Road to Zero Meeting - March 25
2018 Safe Systems Innovation Grant recipient, Bicycle Colorado, gave an overview of the implementation of the statewide Bicycle-friendly Driver program, lessons learned and next steps for the program. Watch the webcast.
Road to Zero Meeting - Feb. 19
2018 Safe Systems Innovation Grant recipient Dr. Tony McDonald of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University discussed findings from a study of drowsy driving education and technology interventions for night shift nurses. Watch the webcast.
Road to Zero Meeting - Feb. 4
The Coalition welcomed representatives from the National League of Cities and the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, among others. Discussions centered around Road to Zero 2019 highlights, as well as real-world examples of what's working in municipalities throughout the country. Get the agenda and the presentation. Watch the webcast.
Road to Zero Meeting - Jan. 22
With Road to Zero Coalition grant funds, America Walks and the UNC Highway Safety Research Center in 2018 provided training, technical assistance and mini grants to 12 communities to facilitate their shift toward Safe Systems approaches to solving the rise in pedestrian fatalities and injuries. Watch the webcast.
Road to Zero Meeting - Dec. 18
Presenter Heather Zaccaro is program manager for the Complete Streets Coalition, one of the Road to Zero grant recipients. Watch the webcast.
Safety Culture 101 - Dec. 4
An introduction to safety culture and transportation moderated by Dr. David Yang, executive director of AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Panelists were Dr. Nicolas Ward of Montana State University, Dr. John Milton of Washington State Department of Transportation, Kristin Kingsley of Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and David Liu of American Honda Motor Company. Watch the webcast.
Road to Zero Meeting - Nov. 7
An Introduction to Safe Systems in the U.S. Watch the webcast.
Road to Zero Meeting - Oct. 16
Topic is Speed Management for Safety, featuring the Institute of Transportation Engineers in partnership with the Vision Zero Network. Watch the webcast.
Road to Zero Meeting - Sept. 25
Topic is Target Zero: Underutilized Strategies to Reduce Traffic Fatalities. Watch the webcast.
Road to Zero Meeting - Dec. 4
Watch the webcast. Following the meeting, NSC and leaders in the insurance industry hosted a discussion on the challenges of distracted driving. Participating insurance companies included AON, Liberty Mutual, Zurich, USAA and Nationwide, along with the Property and Casualty Insurers Association (PCI), and Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS). The group discussed mid- and long-term countermeasures and their trade-offs.
Road to Zero Meeting - Sept. 13: CANCELED
Coalition meeting scheduled in Washington, D.C., was canceled due to Hurricane Florence.
Road to Zero Meeting - June 28
The meeting kicked off with a welcome by NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt, who shared the latest information on the Uber fatality in Arizona, Tesla crashes, recent bus crashes and the recommendations for seat belts in buses. Watch the webcast.
Speakers and presentations:
The World Bank hosted a panel discussion on lessons learned from grants:
Lifesavers Conference - April 22
The Road to Zero Coalition Report was released at the Lifesavers Conference in San Antonio, the largest gathering of highway safety professionals in the U.S. The event brings together public health and safety professionals, researchers, advocates, practitioners and students committed to sharing best practices, research and policy initiatives proven to work. Deborah A.P. Hersman, chair of Road to Zero and NSC president and CEO, was keynote speaker during the opening plenary. Get her presentation.
Road to Zero Meeting - March 20
Road to Zero Coalition meeting was held at the National Transportation Safety Board Conference Center in Washington, DC. The meeting, titled Commercial Vehicles, from Safe Systems to Technology Innovations, featured National Transportation Safety Board member T. Bella Dinh-Zarr, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Deputy Administrator Heidi King and Raymond P. Martinez of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Watch the webcast.
Following are presentations from the panel discussion, moderated by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Chief Safety Officer Jack Van Steenburg:
NSC Chairman and CEO Deborah Hersman gave an update on the Road to Zero Coalition long-term vision report for achieving zero, Adrienne Gildea, deputy executive director for the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, gave a communications update, and the 2018 Safe System Innovations Grant winners were announced by Renee Sigel of the Federal Highway Administration.
Road to Zero Meeting - Dec. 12
The Road to Zero Coalition met at Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health in Washington, D.C. Get the meeting agenda. Watch Part 1 and Part 2.
After a welcome and presentation from NSC President and CEO Deborah Hersman, Mike Griffith, director of office safety technologies with the Federal Highway Administration, moderated the Future of Infrastructure Safety Panel:
A panel discussion, Changing Landscape of Cities and Mobility: Futurology, was moderated by Jane Terry, NSC director of government affairs:
Prior to a breakout session, NSC Media Relations Manager Maureen Vogel, introduced the Road to Zero Toolkit. Hersman wrapped up the meeting and announced applications are now being accepted for the 2018 Safe System Innovation Grant program.
Road to Zero Meeting - Oct. 13
The topic was Saving Lives on the Road to Zero and featured NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt, Global New Car Assessment Program Secretary General David Ward and a panel on creating Vision Zero: Systematically Applying What Works to Reach Zero. Get the meeting agenda. Watch the webcast.
After a welcome from Kaiser Permanente Director of Community Health Celeste A. James and a first anniversary celebration of milestones from NSC President and CEO Deborah Hersman:
A panel discussion moderated by Vision Zero Network founder and Director Leah Shahum featured:
Road to Zero Meeting - June 13
The Road to Zero Coalition met at the Association of the U.S. Army, Arlington, VA. Get the agenda here. Watch Part 1 and Part 2.
After a welcome from NSC President and CEO Debbie Hersman:
Rand Framing Workshop - Jan. 26-27
Rand Framing Workshop: The Road to Zero Coalition enlisted the RAND Corporation to develop a future scenario on how human-vehicle-roadway systems could be designed to get to zero deaths by 2047.
Road to Zero Coalition Launch - Dec. 15
More than 200 people joined in person and via webcast to collaborate on the roles we can each play as we aim for zero traffic fatalities on our roads. National experts shared their knowledge:
Road to Zero Conference Kickoff - Oct. 5
NSC, FHWA, FMCSA, NHTSA and their partners laid out strategies that will put the U.S. on the road to zero traffic fatalities. Watch the Kickoff videos.
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