Doubling Down on What Works

The Federal Transportation Package

The new federal transportation legislation presents unprecedented opportunities to double down on what works, including more technical, programmatic and financial resources for organizations and safety advocates. It also aligns with the new US DOT National Roadway Safety Strategy, which sets a vision and goal for the safety of our nation’s roadways.

Using a Safe System approach to reach zero is a central theme in both the bill and national strategy.

Applying a Safe System approach requires changing mindset, changing scale and changing practice in how we design, build and operate safer roads. Below, we’ve paired each of the Safe System principles with links to effective resources that can help safety advocates double down on what works.

Safer People

Encourage safe, responsible behavior by people who use our roads and create conditions that prioritize their ability to reach their destination unharmed.

Distracted Driving Summary Sheet

Countermeasures That Work

Traffic Safety Culture Primer

Safer Roads

Design roadway environments to mitigate human mistakes and account for injury tolerances, to encourage safer behaviors, and to facilitate safe travel by the most vulnerable users.

Complete Streets

Proven Countermeasures

Intersection Safety Strategies (PDF)

Safer Vehicles

Expand the availability of vehicle systems and features that help to prevent crashes and minimize the impact of crashes on both occupants and non-occupants.

Vehicle Safety Ratings

Passenger Vehicle Crashes (PDF)

Safer Speeds

Promote safer speeds in all roadway environments through thoughtful, context-appropriate roadway design, targeted education and outreach campaigns, and enforcement.

Speed Management – ITE

Speed Management – FHWA

Traffic Calming – FHWA

Speed Management Toolkit (PDF)

Post-crash Care

Enhance the survivability of crashes through expedient access to emergency medical care, while creating a safe working environment for vital first responders and preventing secondary crashes through robust traffic incident management practices.

National Guidelines for the Field Triage of Injured Patients (for Local Implrementation) 

Putting the Pieces Together

Improving Emergency and Trauma Care (PDF)

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