Hazard Recognition Award

This crystal award pays tribute to companies that have had a hazard recognition program in place for four or more years and show a steady increase in the percentage of the number of hazards reported and corrected each year. Timely corrective action must be demonstrated. 

To qualify for this prestigious etched crystal award, your organization’s program must:

● Have been in place for four or more years

● Educate employees on the importance of recognizing hazards and their role in reporting 

● Maintain a system for employees to report hazards, track hazard reporting and manage prompt corrective actions

● Have a system that acknowledges employee participation and engagement

Etched Crystal Awards are available for $174.95. Shipping, handling and tax will be applied.

Award Rules and Receipt

If your application is approved, your award will be shipped in four to six weeks. Awards may be delayed due to reduced warehouse staffing in response to COVID-19 statewide shelter-in-place order. The National Safety Council reserves the right to change without notice any statement in the Occupational Awards Program concerning, but not limited to, rules, policies, awards, delivery dates/methods and fees. 

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