First Aid Cost Savings Calculator

Save by Training with NSC

The National Safety Council is the lowest cost provider of First Aid training. The Calculator below shows you how much money you can save by training with NSC. Our in-depth programs meet OSHA best practices and can be customized to your needs. Free Completion Cards are included with the training.

Cost Savings Calculator
Choose NSC First Aid Course and Complete Form

NSC First Aid, CPR & AED Course

Total NSC Instructor Resource Kit Cost: {{ nscfacpraed * NumberofInstructorstobeAuthorized | toCurrency }}
Total NSC Workbook Cost: {{ nscfacpraedwb * NumberofPeopleTrainedEachYear | toCurrency }} ({{ nscfacpraedwb | toCurrency }} per workbook)
Total Cost for Year One with NSC: {{ nscfacpraed_irk + nscfacpraed_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with NSC: {{ nscfacpraed_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year One with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year One with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 - (nscfacpraed_irk + nscfacpraed_twc) | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year Two with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 - nscfacpraed_twc | toCurrency }}

NSC CPR & AED Course

Total NSC Instructor Resource Kit Cost: {{ nsccpraed * NumberofInstructorstobeAuthorized | toCurrency }}
Total NSC Workbook Cost: {{ nsccpraedwb * NumberofPeopleTrainedEachYear | toCurrency }} ({{ nsccpraedwb | toCurrency }} per workbook)
Total Cost for Year One with NSC: {{ nsccpraed_irk + nsccpraed_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with NSC: {{ nsccpraed_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year One with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year One with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 - (nsccpraed_irk + nsccpraed_twc) | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year Two with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 - nsccpraed_twc | toCurrency }}

NSC First Aid Course

Total NSC Instructor Resource Kit Cost: {{ nscfa * NumberofInstructorstobeAuthorized | toCurrency }}
Total NSC Workbook Cost: {{ nscfawb * NumberofPeopleTrainedEachYear | toCurrency }} ({{ nscfawb | toCurrency }} per workbook)
Total Cost for Year One with NSC: {{ nscfa_irk + nscfa_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with NSC: {{ nscfa_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year One with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year One with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 - (nscfa_irk + nscfa_twc) | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year Two with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 - nscfa_twc | toCurrency }}

NSC Pediatric First Aid, CPR & AED Course

Total NSC Instructor Resource Kit Cost: {{ nscpfacpraed * NumberofInstructorstobeAuthorized | toCurrency }}
Total NSC Workbook Cost: {{ nscpfacpraedwb * NumberofPeopleTrainedEachYear | toCurrency }} ({{ nscpfacpraedwb | toCurrency }} per workbook)
Total Cost for Year One with NSC: {{ nscpfacpraed_irk + nscpfacpraed_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with NSC: {{ nscpfacpraed_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year One with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year One with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 - (nscpfacpraed_irk + nscpfacpraed_twc) | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year Two with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 - nscpfacpraed_twc | toCurrency }}

NSC Basic Life Support for Health Care & Professional Rescuers Course

Total NSC Instructor Resource Kit Cost: {{ nscblshcpr * NumberofInstructorstobeAuthorized | toCurrency }}
Total NSC Workbook Cost: {{ nscblshcprwb * NumberofPeopleTrainedEachYear | toCurrency }} ({{ nscblshcprwb | toCurrency }} per workbook)
Total Cost for Year One with NSC: {{ nscblshcpr_irk + nscblshcpr_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with NSC: {{ nscblshcpr_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year One with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year One with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 - (nscblshcpr_irk + nscblshcpr_twc) | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year Two with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 - nscblshcpr_twc | toCurrency }}

NSC Advanced First Aid, CPR & AED Course

Total NSC Instructor Resource Kit Cost: {{ nscafacpraed * NumberofInstructorstobeAuthorized | toCurrency }}
Total NSC Workbook Cost: {{ nscafacpraedwb * NumberofPeopleTrainedEachYear | toCurrency }} ({{ nscafacpraedwb | toCurrency }} per workbook)
Total Cost for Year One with NSC: {{ nscafacpraed_irk + nscafacpraed_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with NSC: {{ nscafacpraed_twc | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year One with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 | toCurrency }}
Total Cost for Year Two with Current Provider: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year One with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY1 - (nscafacpraed_irk + nscafacpraed_twc) | toCurrency }}
Savings in Year Two with NSC: {{ totalcostcurrentproviderY2 - nscafacpraed_twc | toCurrency }}
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