The majority – 61% – of adults with a substance use disorder (SUD) are in the workforce, meaning employers are uniquely positioned to make a difference by supporting employees into recovery and there are clear benefits to doing so. Employees in recovery have equal or lower health care costs, absenteeism and job turnover compared to employees who never report an SUD. In fact, each employee who recovers from an SUD saves a company more than $8,500 on average.
Employers who help employees complete treatment are likely to see a high return on investment. Employer-initiated treatment is more successful than treatment initiated by friends or family members and supporting employees in recovery creates clear reasons for job satisfaction and workforce loyalty.
To help employers understand the role they can play, NSC and NORC at the University of Chicago collaborated to update the Substance Use Cost Calculator for Employers, funded by Nationwide. This authoritative, easy-to-use tool breaks down the key impacts of substance use in the workforce, calculating the costs of employee substance use, SUD and the savings of supporting employees through treatment and into recovery.
For additional information, watch this free webinar hosted by NORC and download the presentation slides for more details. You can also dig into the methodology and research behind this resource.
Stigma toward substance use is a leading barrier to people seeking help and to workplaces supporting employees with SUDs through treatment and into recovery. That’s why the National Safety Council partnered with national nonprofit Shatterproof to give employers, HR professionals and supervisors the resources they need to address stigma in the workplace and ensure employees know they are supported. Visit to learn how you can address this important issue.
While employers play a crucial role in supporting employees into recovery, the right approach is key to success. Learn more about how employers can make a difference.
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